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The Essential Guide to Measuring and Improving Core Web Vitals for Your WordPress Site
Enterprise WordPress: 21 Security Best Practices to Protect Your Website
Web Security Vectors in the Enterprise Space
The internet may still be a wild frontier in many ways, but when it comes to your enterprise site the last thing you want is for that wild-side to lead to compromised web security. While the world has learned to deal with many of the dark forces of the world wide web, cybercriminals always seem […]
Guide to Convert Content from Classic Editor to Gutenberg Blocks
Today we are happy to announce that we have released the Beta version of our “Classic Editor to Gutenberg Blocks” script. It is right now in the public beta phase and we welcome contributions from the community. Gutenberg is the new block editor for WordPress. It was merged to WordPress core with the release of […]
How Website Performance Impacts Business Success
We’ve all been there – stuck on a website that won’t load, trying to view pages that time out, or getting error messages when trying to navigate the site we’re visiting. This can happen on both desktop computers and mobile devices, everyone has experienced this at one time or another. Poor website performance isn’t necessarily […]
Common Mistakes that Kill Website Performance
Managing your company website and website performance can be a daunting and repetitive task, but it has to be done on a regular basis. Otherwise, you risk losing customer faith and damaging your brand, completely demolishing all of your hard work. Whether you’re building your enterprise site from scratch or attempting to keep up with […]
Introduction to Site Performance
We’ve all been there – waiting impatiently as a web page takes what seems like forever to load. If you’ve ever been so annoyed by waiting that you’ve clicked away from the site, you’re not alone. Even a one-second decrease in load time can diminish page views by 11%. Site performance matters a lot in any online […]
Take It to the Limit | How the Best News Sites Handle High Traffic
Running a high traffic website is never easy. When hundreds of thousands or even millions of visitors come to your site, things can start to go wrong in a hurry. And as that traffic scales, the chance of a small problem turning into a massive issue increases. In the best-case scenario, you’ve already engineered your […]
Introduction to Headless Browsers
The headless browsers are simply a name given to the browser without any identifiable graphical user interface. We all are aware that website development has evolved dramatically in the last few decades. Developers are working rigorously to find out ways to build such a user interface that can deliver an optimal user experience to the […]
Web Accessibility: An Overview
Fundamentally, web is designed for all kind of people irrespective of whatever hardware they are on or what software they are using or which location they are at, their language or their ability.
Gutenberg, a Revolutionary WordPress Editor – Everything is About to Change
Gutenberg will deliver the elegance of Medium but with far more power and flexibility of layouts and content types. Like every enterprise, WordPress also wants to manage less and do more. Do you want distraction-free writing mode?