Kaushik Baroliya
Meet Kaushik Baroliya, Creative Lead Designer at Multidots, boasting over 15 years of experience in the field of design. Kaushik is driven by a deep passion for pushing creative boundaries, consistently crafting visually captivating solutions for websites, branding, and digital campaigns. With every project he undertakes, Kaushik delivers impactful experiences that leave a lasting impression.
Recent Articles
WordCamp Nashville: An Enthralling Participation
WordCamps-USA has always been the most awaited event with series of sessions and live interaction with industry maestros. WordCamp USA, this year too, left one more electrified and charged up feeling among the network of affiliates, community contributors & attendees.
WordCamp US 2017 – Multidots is on its Way!
WordPress, the most popular open source content management system to create websites, blogs & apps come of age with more than 29% of websites around the globe using WordPress. The regular WordCamps driven by an open source community attracts an interesting number of thinkers, speakers & WordPress enthusiasts across the globe, with a steadily increasing participation every time.
Multidots is extending the count of Offshore Captive Development Centres for the Prestigious Clients!
Considering it our priority to serve the offshore as well as native clients with the best solutions, we have finalized our plans for setting up the Offshore Captive Service Centres for more clients. It is our next step to deliver excellence for remote clients, after opening up our branch office in the USA as Multidots.Inc. An […]
Articles by this Author
Celebration of Love, Happiness and Respect – Diwali 2013
This is year 2013 and we are celebrating our 5th Diwali Festival at Multidots. Diwali is not only a festival of lights and sparkles but it’s also a festival of friendship and happiness. It’s festival of unity, it’s festival to say our friends, family, employee and colleagues that how much we love them, how much we do […]
Multidots 4th Anniversary
Multidots celebrated its 4th Anniversary on 1st May, 2013. We all dots were super excited looking forward to celebrate it, since last many days. This time around, we had a new initiative – a dedicated event team comprising of some dots, to plan and manage the event. Taking a flashback, talking about the first year, […]
Multidots visiting Seva Cafe – The Joy of Giving
“Simply giving and not taking is a wonderful thought to live about” these wonderful lines are said by great person Swami Vivekananda. Having a thought of return ruins of some good deeds done in your life. Very few people in this world have enlightened the thought to only give and do not expect anything in […]
Fruit-Fun Festival Enjoyed by Dots Family
Celebrating anniversaries, birthdays and festive seasons has been an absorbing trend for almost every small and big organizations. This kind of moral up-bringing and recognitions boosts up the motivation level and additionally gets the office environment really work-while conjointly. These celebrations are mere options which leave the individuals of the organizations to spend good time […]
Pre-Requisites of Building Responsive Website Design
Combination of dazzling layout and design has been major arena where the business owners have been focusing pretty harder to get standardized websites designed matching their level of expertise in their field. Best practices have been involved by professional developers & designers who work with web-enabled tools and implement techniques which can give smart output. […]
A Traditional and Heartened Welcome of New Dots at Multidots!
Who told that seniors and juniors have been in rivalry since long? Multidots have been actively involved in socializing events that helps to create an environment where everyone can work on the same floor. Thus, Multidots has organized a welcome party for new dots in traditional way, which was full of fun, teamwork and one […]
Social Face of Multidots – Old Age Home Visit
Saturday was the day. The thought was rooted long time back in minds of Anil Gupta, Aslam Multani, Jaldip Upadhyay. It was regarding arranging some event that connects us to the society. On alternate working Saturdays, we normally do activities for personal growth. But when it came to doing a social activity, we thought visiting […]
Celebrating 2nd Anniversary!!!
It gives us an immense pleasure to announce that we have just completed TWO successful and happy years. Let me tell you that it would have not been possible without support and trust of our clients and strong commitment and hard work of our team. We are very grateful to each and every client to whom […]
FREE WordPress Upgrade at MULTIDOTS
A stitch in time saves nine. A little bit of work on an upgrade now saves a lot of work fixing something later. Upgrade now to latest WordPress version FREE! Contact Us : wpupgrades@multidots.in WordPress Again!! Yes, I am back again with something very very interesting for you if you own a WordPress Blog or Site. MULTIDOTS offers a FREE […]