Guide to Convert Content from Classic Editor to Gutenberg Blocks Img

Guide to Convert Content from Classic Editor to Gutenberg Blocks

Today we are happy to announce that we have released the Beta version of our “Classic Editor to Gutenberg Blocks” script. It is right now in the public beta phase and we welcome contributions from the community. Gutenberg is the new block editor for WordPress. It was merged to WordPress core with the release of […]

How Website Performance Impacts Business Success Img

How Website Performance Impacts Business Success

We’ve all been there – stuck on a website that won’t load, trying to view pages that time out, or getting error messages when trying to navigate the site we’re visiting. This can happen on both desktop computers and mobile devices, everyone has experienced this at one time or another. Poor website performance isn’t necessarily […]

Common Mistakes that Kill Website Performance Img

Common Mistakes that Kill Website Performance

Managing your company website and website performance can be a daunting and repetitive task, but it has to be done on a regular basis. Otherwise, you risk losing customer faith and damaging your brand, completely demolishing all of your hard work. Whether you’re building your enterprise site from scratch or attempting to keep up with […]

Introduction to Site Performance Img

Introduction to Site Performance

We’ve all been there – waiting impatiently as a web page takes what seems like forever to load. If you’ve ever been so annoyed by waiting that you’ve clicked away from the site, you’re not alone. Even a one-second decrease in load time can diminish page views by 11%. Site performance matters a lot in any online […]

WooCommerce vs. Shopify vs. BigCommerce Img

WooCommerce vs. Shopify vs. BigCommerce

Overwhelmed by the numerous options for your existing or upcoming eCommerce store? You’re not alone. With the popularity of online stores growing over the last decade, it has become essential for businesses to sell their products and/or services online. Customers expect to buy many goods and services online and to address that need, it is […]

Event Planning for eCommerce Flash Sales Img

Event Planning for eCommerce Flash Sales

With the holiday season now over, most people may be holding back from shopping for a while to recover from their holiday spending spree. This means that eCommerce stores may need to come up with new ways to attract their customer base for the next few months. If you have a WooCommerce store, then you […]

Best Practices for a Complex WordPress Website Migration Img

Best Practices for a Complex WordPress Website Migration

Technology breaks. It’s a cold hard truth that on a long enough timeline, some critical component of some technology that’s critical to you and your business will malfunction. That’s just the way things go sometimes. Needs change. Another cold hard truth is that what you needed yesterday to power your business looks a lot different […]

WooCommerce: A Quick Overview Img

WooCommerce: A Quick Overview

With the increasing number of mobile users and online customers, the eCommerce industry has become one of the eminent platforms that have gained enough traction in recent years. There are innumerous dedicated eCommerce service providers, which can cater to all the needs of the eCommerce store owners. WooCommerce is one of the popular plugins with exciting […]

Take It to the Limit | How the Best News Sites Handle High Traffic Img

Take It to the Limit | How the Best News Sites Handle High Traffic

Running a high traffic website is never easy. When hundreds of thousands or even millions of visitors come to your site, things can start to go wrong in a hurry. And as that traffic scales, the chance of a small problem turning into a massive issue increases. In the best-case scenario, you’ve already engineered your […]

SquareSpace vs WordPress, Which is Better? Img

SquareSpace vs WordPress, Which is Better?

There are many content management systems available nowadays which can help you create beautiful websites. Squarespace and WordPress are the popular CMS platforms among those varied options available in the market. Both have the potential to meet the growing demands of the online market.  But which one is better of the two? In this blog […]

Introduction to Headless Browsers Img

Introduction to Headless Browsers

The headless browsers are simply a name given to the browser without any identifiable graphical user interface. We all are aware that website development has evolved dramatically in the last few decades. Developers are working rigorously to find out ways to build such a user interface that can deliver an optimal user experience to the […]

Leverage Security in Cloud Data Storage Img

Leverage Security in Cloud Data Storage

Since the beginning of cloud, security has been one of the significant concerns among many businesses that are working in public cloud. According to a report by Crowd research partners, causes of cloud security threats are: The idea of storing data or running applications on infrastructure that businesses do not manage seems inherently insecure. Therefore, they seek […]

California Consumer Protection Act – A Savior to Consumer Data Img

California Consumer Protection Act – A Savior to Consumer Data

The year 2018 kicked off with the buzz around GDPR. It has rolled out recently in May 2018 affecting almost every small and big company that is dealing directly or indirectly with the personal data of the residents of Europe. Well, the recent incidents of personal information misuse by large analytics, political campaigning companies scandal and the […]

WordPress Multisite Development – A level up for your Enterprise Img

WordPress Multisite Development – A level up for your Enterprise

We all are aware that WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) as it powers 28% of the websites around the globe.  The Multisite feature of WordPress is becoming quite popular nowadays. Many of you might be aware of this feature but to some, it is still a new thing. Well, in this […]

Towards Becoming GDPR Compliant Img

Towards Becoming GDPR Compliant

The rapid innovations in the technology have changed the way we live. The escalating usage of software in every field of work has given rise to many issues. The kingpin among them is the issue of data breach and protection of the data. Think of a situation when your personal details such as bank account […]