WordPress Contribution Guide Img

WordPress Contribution Guide

Drupal vs WordPress vs Sitecore Which CMS is Best for Your Business? Img

Drupal vs WordPress vs Sitecore Which CMS is Best for Your Business?

WooCommerce vs. Shopify vs. BigCommerce Img

WooCommerce vs. Shopify vs. BigCommerce

Overwhelmed by the numerous options for your existing or upcoming eCommerce store? You’re not alone. With the popularity of online stores growing over the last decade, it has become essential for businesses to sell their products and/or services online. Customers expect to buy many goods and services online and to address that need, it is […]

SquareSpace vs WordPress, Which is Better? Img

SquareSpace vs WordPress, Which is Better?

There are many content management systems available nowadays which can help you create beautiful websites. Squarespace and WordPress are the popular CMS platforms among those varied options available in the market. Both have the potential to meet the growing demands of the online market.  But which one is better of the two? In this blog […]

Multidots’ Contributions to WordPress: Because Giving away is the way to make a Technology Powerful! Img

Multidots’ Contributions to WordPress: Because Giving away is the way to make a Technology Powerful!

Technologies, especially open-source technologies, are developed with the digital empowerment of the society and thus, the world. To enhance the capabilities of WordPress-like CMS, global contributions are the only way. As we leverage the power of WordPress, giving back to WordPress is one of our major responsibilities.  Multidots, being an active member of WordPress, keep […]